How does massage help with upper back tension?

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Sitting in front of the computer for hours creates a lot of strain and stress on the back, neck and shoulders.  With the arms extended forward on a keyboard, the muscles of the upper and midback become weak and overstretched (taut), the muscles in the front of the upper body become short and tight and as the head unnaturally moves forward, the muscles at the base of the head and the front of the neck become short and tight. 

Therapeutic massage can be part of a solution in relieving upper back tension with treatments that focus on lengthening the shortened muscles in the front of the chest, using moderate pressure on the muscles of the back to reduce trigger points, and gently stretching the neck and reducing trigger points at the base of the head. 

In order to get long term relief from upper back tension, it is necessary to include exercises for posture and set a timer when you are working on the computer, to remind you to move throughout the day. 

Research has shown that moderate pressure massage has a cascade of positive benefits for the mind and body. 

1.    Increased vagal activity

2.   Decrease of cortisol

3.   Decreased heart rate and blood pressure

4.   Enhanced attentiveness

5.   Increase of serotonin and dopamine

6.   Reduced pain

7.   Increase in immune function



2.       Orthopedic Assessment in Massage Therapy by Whitney Lowe